Water Resources
MCi is a regionally recognized leader in the planning and design of water resources projects. We provide a full range of planning, design and construction management services for various types and uses of water. Working for major and small utility companies, MCi has designed a wide array of potable water, wastewater, reclaimed water, and stormwater projects. MCi was the lead consultant in the design of the award-winning $87.5M Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Facilities and was on the project management team for the design and construction of San Antonio SAWS. MCi has been a leader in the design of multi-million-dollar reclaimed water facilities consisting of treatment, pumping, storage, conveyance, and delivery.
Also, MCi had developed a sound reputation for the firm’s expertise in flood studies, FEMA studies and design of stormwater facilities. MCi's stormwater projects include conveyance, channelization, storage, and pumping. MCi recently received a prestigious design award for its design of the $12M Westside (El Paso) Flood Improvements Project.
- Facilities Planning
- Water Supply
- Water Storage
- Water Conveyance/Transmission
- Water Pumping Facilities
- Water Treatment
- Wastewater Collection
- Wastewater Pumping
- Wastewater Treatment/Disposal
- Reclaimed Water Facilities
- Reclaimed Water Irrigation
- FEMA Flood Studies
- Stormwater Conveyance
- Stormwater Channelization
- Stormwater Retention/Detention